Do you need something other than Hajj worksheets? How does a Hajj Magazine sound?
Maybe some interviews, games, crafts, or stories?
Presenting a unique (free) Hajj magazine by Homeschooled Kids Across the Globe I had the honor to edit and design last year.

Journeying to the House
Hajj is a journey millions undertake through different means but they all have one thing in common – for Allah’s Pleasure. This magazine also reflects on that as it was our vision to showcase how every child explores the Journey to the House.
We have ensured to keep the children’s contributions as original as possible and made constant care to
ensure the content’s authencity. The views expressed are not necessarily the views of the publisher and editors. All contributions are the intellectual property of the contributors. The contributions were reviewed and revised for clarity, legal ramifications, length and general taste at the editors’ discretion. If there is any concern, don’t hesitate to reach out.
I pray this magazine served as a medium for all children to be seen and heard in their unique ways of expression and they would use this as a resource which would strengthen their love of their Deen – a contribution of our Sadqa e Jaria.

Check out informative articles, puzzles, poem and recipes.
This magazine would not have been possible without Allah’s Help, our creative contributors, their parents and my awesome team of homeschooling moms. I thank you all for bringing this project to life.
It is available for read online and download for personal use only.

Did you and your children enjoy it? Let us know in the comments below.